July 27, 2024

Anagni Minister Lorenzin visits the Bristol -my Squibb factory

Scientific innovation, sustainability of care and enhancement of the territory are determining factors in promoting interest and the investments of important industrial realities in the Italian territory. And in Italy Bristol -my Squibb He believes it: investments scheduled for the current two -year period both on the front of innovative drugs and for the expansion of the Anagni plant.

Just the Anagni site welcomed the Minister of Health yesterday, Beatrice Lorenzin, Once on the spot to “touch” an example of Italian excellence in the world for quality, innovation and competitiveness, and which is confirmed in the further expansion phase: the financing of a project that affects the two-year period 2015-2016 is recent;In particular, 13 million euros have been allocated for this year to maintain and strengthen industrial presence.

“Thanks to the excellence of our supply chain and process skills, our factory represents a strategic hub at an international level with 90% of the production intended for export – he has declared Barbara Sambuco General Manager of the Bristol-Myers Squibb of Anagni- We settled here in 1966 and in the last 20 years this site has experienced a very strong growth trend that positions us today among the first industrial realities in Italy and Lazio, not only by extension but above all for complexity, quantity and variety of shapespharmaceuticals that include innovative drugs exported to 65 countries in the 5 continents.”

On the search front & Development Bristol -my Squibb It focuses on innovative drugs in oncology, virology, cardiology and immunosciences, areas where there is a greater need for an unsafe medical need. In particular, Bristol-Myers Squibb boasts a long tradition in oncology with 50 years of research and developing oncological drugs and today the company is guiding the progress of immuno-oncology, the approach that significantly modifies survival expectationsand the way patients face and coexist with cancer. Bristol -my Squibb is also at the forefront in the treatment of hepatitis C with the latest generation drugs, in an interferon-free oral regime, capable of leading to the eradication of the virus and the Complete healing from the disease.

“For Bristol-Myers Squibb, it is essential to keep a dialogue with institutions open for the system to be ready to give adequate answers to the challenges that scientific progress places and be able to make innovative drugs that are changing life expectancy immediately availableof patients affected by important diseases “, points out Roberto Tascione, President and CEO of Bristol-Myers Squibb Italia. “We hope that extraordinary immuno-oncological drugs can be made available to Italian patients and we are ready to do our part so that we reach a rapid introduction of these drugs with adequate funds and certain programming.”