July 27, 2024

Cannabis, Prof. Veronesi: Between a joint and a cigarette better the first, right to legalize

Prof. Umberto Veronesi, an internationally renowned oncologist, was interviewed by Andrea Lupoli during the format "Genetics Today" on Radio Cusano Campus, station of Niccolò Cusano University ( www.unicusano.en ).

Cannabis legalization bill arrives in the House chamber today. "I am very much in favor of the legalization of cannabis because prohibitionism does not work," Veronesi said-. Cannabis use is prohibited in Italy, and 70 percent of people use it or have used it. So it is a failure that only benefits organized crime, because it creates a black market that makes a very good living for all the crooks. If it were free instead, as it is in many other countries, everything would be easier, those who want it would buy it, they wouldn't have to go to a street corner and have a pusher sell it to them.

I certainly don't advise my children to smoke marijuana, just as I don't advise them to drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. Tobacco causes 10,000 times more deaths than marijuana does. It is not a totally harmless treatment, but it has a very low limit of dangerousness".