July 27, 2024

Bracciano February 4 presentation of the project Not more alone

“No longer alone”. This is the name of the supradistrict project, included in the F3 Program Agreement, in favor of alzheimer’s patients which will be presented to mayors, insiders, the press and interested family members at an informational meeting set for Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 4 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Bracciano.

The supra-district project was developed by the four District F, to ensure rpproper responses to the user and his or her family system. District F3 fully adhered to this project model, as it was a precursor of social and health services and interventions already widely established since 2003, then called the Kronos project.

“The choice of a communication-information day in the lead municipality of District F3 – emphasizes Paola Lucci, Councillor for Social Services and Program Agreement of the Municipality of Bracciano has been identified with a view to greater participation of the territory in the use of services promoted by the measures of the project Not Alone Anymore”.