July 27, 2024

Civitavecchia Rehabilitation projects of mental health presented

The results of Two projects financed by the CA Foundation.RE.Civ. at the Conference Room in via Risorgimento. The event was attended by the general manager of the ASL RM F Dott. Giuseppe Quintavalle, the Secretary General of the CA Foundation.RE.Civ.,lawyer.

Vincenzo Cacciaglia, the Dott. Stefano Seripa, psychiatrist of CSM F2, Dr. Alberto Poerio Psychologist Head of the CD F2, the Dott.SSA Maria Anna Rossi responsible for Community the pomegranate.

The Dott. Giuseppe Quintavalle, at the opening, underlined The importance of rehabilitation aspect, Because it contributes significantly to improving the effectiveness of the health approach with the psychiatric patient by reducing the number of admissions to acuteness, favoring re -socialization and contrasting social isolation; social isolation;.

The two initiatives, presented by the managers Dr. Stefano Seripa, For the “Ben &#8230 Project; Being” and Dr. Alberto Poerio for the music therapy project, despite their diversity of realization, as each of the two takes into consideration different areas of the human personality, have the same objectives, that is, to encourage social inclusion, contrasting prejudices on mental illness, trying to break down cultural barriers, spreading a new way of perception of the patient who lives a mental discomfort in the territory where he lives, inserting it in everyday reality.

Specifically, the “Ben &#8230 Project; Being” which was born six years ago, taking into consideration the cognitive and metacognitive aspects in the CSM of the F2 District (Ladispoli), then spread also to the districts F1 (Civitavecchia) and F3 (Bracciano) and consists of three activities: equestrian rehabilitation (young patients), biking (Patients of average age), group dances (chronic patients).

In particular, with regard to equestrian rehabilitation, it is worth stressing that activities; It was recognized by the Italian Equestrian Sport Federation (FISE), which has for this structured its own rehabilitation department through the approach with horses.

The project also offered the opportunity of Collect patient health data who participated, both before and after carrying out rehabilitation activity, thanks to the collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata, for the Faculty of Psychiatric and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Sciences, through the work of the trainees that affix the mental health center.

The results obtained showed improvements in the health of patients, who, despite being affected by a discomfort with which they will deal with life, can however benefit from rehabilitation projects that slow down its course.

The project of music therapy, edited for about four years by Dr. Alberto Poerio Psychologist Head of the Day Center F2, deals with activities that include the approach to musical creativity, ranging from the composition of texts, at the engraving, to the creation of music videos.

In addition, this initiative was also promoted through social networks (“Illusionottime” profile on You Tube and Facebook), and in the context of singing and artistic events of the area and the capital.