July 27, 2024

Umbilical cord conservation, because it is important?

When you expect a child, you are called to make many decisions. One of these is particularly important, and it concerns the umbilical cord conservation.
With this article we will try to clarify the potential related to the conservation of the stem cells of the cordon, in order to make parents more prepared for one Conscious and informed choice.

The stem cells of the umbilical cord

The stem cells of the umbilical cord have a Great therapeutic potential, also recognized by the Ministry of Health 1 . Storing the cordonal stems means having a tool available that could be used in clinical practice for the treatment of different pathologies.

The study took into consideration various scenarios

In the United States, a study was conducted in which the probability, for a 70 -year -old individual, were calculated to use their cord stem cells for the treatment of a pathology. The study took into consideration various scenarios, evaluating the cases of AUTOGOLOLOGICAL STAMINAL TRANSPOLATION (donor and patient are the same person), and cases of accordion (compatible donor or relative). Taking into account several factors and various scenarios, in relation to sex, age and ethnicity, it emerged that the probability for a 70 -year individual to use his own stem for the treatment of a date are of 1 out of 217 1 . The percentage rate is much higher than reported in previous studies, which had calculated a probability of 1 out of 2.700, or up to one individual every 200.000 2 . The increase in the rate, according to researchers, would be linked to an improvement in conservation techniques and the procedures adopted.

The authors of the study believe that, with l advance of the technologies of biobanche, national conservation registers, with the facilities of insurance companies, The number of stem stamped will continue to increase and consequently their applicability also.

Treatment of pathologies such as leukemia, lymphomas, myelodysplasies

Staminal transplant is a procedure that allows the treatment of pathologies such as leukemia, lymphomas, myelodysplasies, myeloproliferative neoplasms and some genetic and neurological diseases. Until today, they have been performed More than 45.000 transplants with cord stem cells, Both autologous and allogeneic 3 .

The potential of the cord stemarts has not yet come to the peak, despite the encouraging numbers. Over the past ten years the number of clinical studies involving these cells is greater than 200 in the world and above all concerns the neurological diseases, autoimmune pathologies and repair of tissues and organs 4 . Many Italian families do not have an complete information on the importance of the conservation of the stem cells of the umbilical cord. For this often this precious biological heritage is wasted. Currently, 95% of umbilical cords are thrown away, thus frustrating the possibility of using stem cells in treatment of more than 80 pathologies So the Ministry of Health approved it .

For more information on cord stem cells: www.source.com

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