July 27, 2024

October October: San Carlo di Nancy hospital adheres to the campaign and provides free screening

Also this year The San Carlo di Nancy hospital of Rome adheres to the Rosa October campaign for prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. During the months of October, November and December it will be possible to carry out a Free mammography for all women between 45 and 49 years old, an age group that does not fall within the regional screening program.

There Dr.ssa laura la barbera

“Participating in prevention paths is of extreme importance to identify breast cancer early, currently the most frequent neoplasm in our country – declares the Dr.Ssa Laura La Barbera, breast radiologist of the diagnostic operating unit for images from the San Carlo hospital in Nancy -. Early diagnosis can truly save life and make any less invasive therapeutic process. For this reason, for some years now we have joined the October Rosa campaign which provides for free mammographs for all patients who fall within that age group currently excluded from the prevention paths organized by the Region “.

Breast tumor is among the five most frequent tumors in the population, the most common among women. In the annual report “Cancer numbers in Italy” drawn up by Aiom and Airtum In 2019 over 53 thousand new cases diagnosed every year were estimated. In Italy about 800 thousand women live who have had breast cancer, with a greater impact as age increases: one woman out of 40 gets sick among those who are less than 49 years old, one out of 20 between 50 and 69years and one in 25 between 70 and 84 years old.

Differentiate the control program

“For this it is fundamental differentiate the control program in accordance with the different age groups – explains Dott.Ssa La Barbera -. All patients who join the initiative are subjected to mammography, and, in the event of suspicious outcomes, continue with us the in -depth path with breast ultrasound and/or biopsy. The Senologist specialist will provide the patient with a new demanding with exemption code D05. These further investigations will also be in the free regimeto”.

To adhere to the October Rosa initiative and book the free mammography, simply have the doctor’s demanding with exemption code “D01 – Regional screening campaign” and booking the examination by contacting the following dedicated number 06.164161840 active from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 19.30 and Saturday from 7.30 at 13.00.