July 27, 2024

Rome – Presented book "Atomic bomb – Investigation on Vatican Radio"

Yesterday afternoon yes è carried out in Rome, in the carroccio room of the Capitol, the book of the book “ atomic bomb Inquiry on Vatican Radio ”, written by Alessio Ramaccioni and Francesca Romana Fragale, published by Editori Riuniti.

Citizens were present, representatives of the Coordination of the Committees of Rome North, of the Children's Senza Children's Committee, of Ostia Committees, Acilia, Park of Cellulosa and other city committees.

The interventions of Editori Riuniti and the authors were followed by those of Augusto Rossi, president of the Children's Committee without waves, and of Raffaele Capone, president of the coordination of the north Roma committees. All the interventions have been applauded for a long time.

Finally, the intervention of the journalist Paolo Brogi, alreadyà of the Corriere della Sera, which has always followed the story.

We are very sorry for the almost total absence of journalists, including those who write for the area information, with the exception of Brogi, of the co -author of the book Alessio Ramaccioni and Pablo Castellani, entibRadio Città Open.

However, this absence falls within the line of the media obscure that this story continues to live.

Coordination of the northern Rome committees.