July 27, 2024

The diabetes between us, at least one person affected in every family

With over 4 million Italian citizens suffering from diabetes it is possible to say that practically diabetes is present in every family: if it is not a parent or a child, it is a brother, a grandfather, an uncle, a grandson.

The data find confirmation from several parties. The world map of diseases that are most cause of death, the mortality and causes of death collaborators 2015 1 has recently been published: the relationship is the greatest effort to identify and quantify the lethality of diseases worldwide with inclusion, forThe first time, also of countries with complex demography, such as Brazil, India, South Africa, Japan, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and the United States, which are added to those already available previously. Diabetes data are particularly dramatic: total mortality for diabetes has increased from 2005 to 2015 of 32.1%, 1.5 million more deaths. The data as anticipated by the seventh edition of the Diabetes Atlas 2, by the International Diabetes Federation.

But the confirmations also arrive in the pharmaceutical field, the British Medical Journal 3 reports the increase in the prescriptions for anti-diabetic drugs of 33% in 5 years, from 26 million in 2011 we moved on to 35 million in 2015 and the number continues toto grow up. This increase in the prescription of the drugs, if on the one hand it means more attention to diagnosis and early treatment, on the other indicates that, with the current growth rhythms, 5 million people suffering from type 2 diabetes are expected in Italy by2020. It takes place on the occasion of the 2nd amee diabetes update 2017, which will bring together numerous national experts in Bologna in Bologna and whose scientific secretariat has been curated by Giorgio Borretta, Olga Eugenia Disoteo, Edoardo Guastamacchia and Silvio Settembrini.

“The meeting is focused on cardiovascular complication, he explains Giorgio Borretta, Responsible for diabetes and metabolism Ame, Endocrinologists Association, which represents the main cause of death of the diabetic patient, but also the cause of significant chronicity, which heavily engage the welfare structures and it is precisely on this aspect that the research is making progress withthe development of new drugs.

The Empa-Reg Outcome 4 study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, evaluated Empagliflozin, a drug for type 2 diabetes therapy, which showed a 38% reduction in the risk of death for cardiovascular causes and 32% of the risk of death for all causes.

While the Leader 5 study conducted on people with type 2 diabetes at high risk of major cardiovascular events, published in the same magazine, has shown that the analogue of the GLP-1 liraglutide, administered in addition to standard therapy, does not limit itself to actingOn the reduction of blood sugar and on weight loss, but reduces the risk of death by cardiovascular causes by 22% and the risk of myocardial infarction and non -fatal strokes, “concludes Borretta.

The diabetes is among us, and involves costs that fall above all on the patient and his family, with days of absence from work, the need for exams in the hospital, hospitalizations and accesses in PS but also renunciation of traditional moments of conviviality to treat, slow down or orprevent pathology. It involves modification of eating habits in order not to create too many differentities at the table between those who have and those who do not have diabetes or, more wisely, to follow all a healthier lifestyle that reduces the risk that others of the family develop the disease.

And this is the point: prevention to maintain healthy people and to bring people back who do not present a conclated diabetes, but are at risk, to contrast and remove the disease. For those who already have a diagnosis, it is essential to establish adequate therapies to delay or even prevent the onset of chronicity, the cause of reducing the quality of life, but also exponential increase in direct and indirect costs of diabetes.