July 27, 2024

Roma Decreased by 7.7% of childhood obesity;

In Lazio Obesity in children is in clear and constant contraction: In six years he decreased on 7.7%. From 2008/2009 to today, in fact, the phenomenon linked to the bad eating habits of the little ones has recorded a constant, continuous and significant flexion by passing from the incidence of 38.8% in 2008 to 31.1% in 2014. The data is contained in the investigation “Okkio to health” of the Ministry of Health which has now reached the fourth edition.

In the Lazio Region the detection was conducted by healthcare professionals of the Asl hygiene services in collaboration with the school operators. In 2014, the investigation involved 184 classes of the III elementary with the participation of 3.963 children. The results indicate a continuous flexion over time of overweight values and obesity.

In short, in families and schools a more balanced and healthy food culture is making its way.

“The good results highlighted by the investigation – says the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola ZingarettiThey confirm two facts of great meaning: the importance of the prevention interventions carried out in this sector with great competence and sensitivity by the staff of the Healthcare Companies and the confirmation of the utility of a strong programmer commitment by the regional health system, with the involvement of theworld of schools and families “.